Mathieu VENOT

[Naval] || {Computation} || Architecture


(With Estelle GLINEL)

3D design of a spiral staircase with Mathematica, from the equation of a helix as starting reference.

helix [a_, b_] [t_] := {a Cos[t] , a Sin[t] , b*t} ;



PDF Brief : Notebook






- COMPUTING (CFAO Softwares)

- MORPHOLOGY (Alisa Andrasek / Achim Menges)


- MAURIZIO BROCATO & LUCIA MONDARDINI (Geometric methods and computational mechanics for the design of stone domes based on Abeille's bond) [2010]

- JEAN-MARIE DELARUE (Géométrie Constructives des Surfaces Développables)

- STEPHEN WOLFRAM (The Future Of Computation) [2005]

Software : Mathematica

Teacher : Philippe MOREL

Year : 2 (2011)

All content © 2011-2024 by Mathieu VENOT